Comments Box function for all those who wish to comment and express opinions / messages that have been on our blog .
Usually not all people have a gmail account / blogger , therefore we must take advantage of the well-known social media such as Twitter and Facebook . I will discuss , how to tutorial on how to create a twitter box on the blogger that adjoin with facebook and blogger comments . To add a comment facebook adjacent required application developers , please read How to Get Application ID for Facebook first .
How to Make Twitter Comment Box :
1 . To make an application please comment on twitter you created first in Apps Developers Twitter .
2 . Fill in the required data as shown in the figure below . When you are finished , click I Agree .
3 . Twitter Application ID you are in the Consumer Key .
4 . Then , click Create My Access Token on the bottom .
5 . Once made , then you 'll get all the code and access to the application .
6 . Code is crossed out in red, please take the copy and paste it into notepad first.
7 . Log in to
Template > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates Checklist
8 . Find <head> code and put the code below at the bottom:<meta content='ID Facebook' property='fb:admins'/><meta content='FB_APP_ID' property='fb:app_id'/><script src=''/><script src=''/><script src=''/><script src=''/><script src=''/>
Replace the red colored code with the data that you 've got . Enter facebook id ( Ex : pemakan.wortell ) , FB Application ID ( Ex : a8xy76m44aoqqUi9mKr0 ) , and enter the code that you Twitter_API_Key copy in notepad .
9 . Then look for the code class = ' comments'
10 . Copy the code below and place it under the code .
<div class='comments-tab' id='blogger-comments' title='Comments from Blogger'>
<data:post.numComments/> Comments
< / div >
<div class='comments-tab' id='twitter-comments' title='Comments with Twitter'>
<span class='js-page-tweet-count' expr:href='data:post.url'/> Tweets
< / div >
<div class='js-default-tab comments-tab' id='fb-comments' title='Comments made on Facebook'>
<fb:comments-count expr:href='data:post.url'/> Comments
< / div >
<div class='clear'/>
< / div >
<div class='comments-page' id='twitter-comments-page'>
<div id='js-tweet-box'/>
< / div >
<div class='comments-page' id='fb-comments-page'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div id='fb-root'/>
<fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' num_posts='5' width='500'/>
< / b : if>
< / div >
<div class='comments comments-page' id='blogger-comments-page'>
- The number 5 is the number of comments to be displayed and not pinned .- The number 500 is the width of the comment box .
Hopefully the guide on how to make widgets and gadgets on this blogger can be useful for you all .
Usually not all people have a gmail account / blogger , therefore we must take advantage of the well-known social media such as Twitter and Facebook . I will discuss , how to tutorial on how to create a twitter box on the blogger that adjoin with facebook and blogger comments . To add a comment facebook adjacent required application developers , please read How to Get Application ID for Facebook first .
How to Make Twitter Comment Box :
1 . To make an application please comment on twitter you created first in Apps Developers Twitter .
2 . Fill in the required data as shown in the figure below . When you are finished , click I Agree .
3 . Twitter Application ID you are in the Consumer Key .
4 . Then , click Create My Access Token on the bottom .
5 . Once made , then you 'll get all the code and access to the application .
6 . Code is crossed out in red, please take the copy and paste it into notepad first.
7 . Log in to
Template > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates Checklist
8 . Find <head> code and put the code below at the bottom:<meta content='ID Facebook' property='fb:admins'/><meta content='FB_APP_ID' property='fb:app_id'/><script src=''/><script src=''/><script src=''/><script src=''/><script src=''/>
Replace the red colored code with the data that you 've got . Enter facebook id ( Ex : pemakan.wortell ) , FB Application ID ( Ex : a8xy76m44aoqqUi9mKr0 ) , and enter the code that you Twitter_API_Key copy in notepad .
9 . Then look for the code class = ' comments'
10 . Copy the code below and place it under the code .
<div class='comments-tab' id='blogger-comments' title='Comments from Blogger'>
<data:post.numComments/> Comments
< / div >
<div class='comments-tab' id='twitter-comments' title='Comments with Twitter'>
<span class='js-page-tweet-count' expr:href='data:post.url'/> Tweets
< / div >
<div class='js-default-tab comments-tab' id='fb-comments' title='Comments made on Facebook'>
<fb:comments-count expr:href='data:post.url'/> Comments
< / div >
<div class='clear'/>
< / div >
<div class='comments-page' id='twitter-comments-page'>
<div id='js-tweet-box'/>
< / div >
<div class='comments-page' id='fb-comments-page'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div id='fb-root'/>
<fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' num_posts='5' width='500'/>
< / b : if>
< / div >
<div class='comments comments-page' id='blogger-comments-page'>
- The number 5 is the number of comments to be displayed and not pinned .- The number 500 is the width of the comment box .
Hopefully the guide on how to make widgets and gadgets on this blogger can be useful for you all .