How to install auto readmore in blog or auto readmore how to create a blog . Auto Readmore
This time I will discuss how to create an auto readmore in blog . Why should auto ? Because by making auto then every post we will direadmore article on the homepage . So we do not have to painstakingly make readmore one -on-one in each article , and you know my friend that this is one way to create a template blog into SEO Friendly . Okay here are the steps to make auto readmore on our blog :
1 . Sign in to dash your blog .
2 . Click the Template >> Edit HTML .
3 . Find the code < / head>
4 . Enter the following script code just above the last 3 numbers
<script type='text/javascript'>thumbnail_mode var = " float " ;summary_noimg = 250 ;summary_img = 250 ;img_thumb_height = 120 ;img_thumb_width = 120 ;< / script >
<script type='text/javascript'>/ / < ! [ CDATA [/ ******************************************Auto - readmore link script , version 2.0 ( for blogspot )
( C ) 2008 by Anhvo visit to get more cool hacks******************************************** /removeHtmlTag function ( strx , chop ) {if ( strx.indexOf ( " < " ) ! = -1 ){var s = strx.split ( " < " ) ;for ( var i = 0 ; i < s.length ; i + + ) {if ( s [ i ] . indexOf ( " > " ) ! = -1 ) {s [ i ] = s [ i ] . substring ( s [ i ] . indexOf ( " > " ) +1 , s [ i ] . length ) ;}}strx = s.join ( " " ) ;}= chop ( chop < strx.length - 1 ) ? chop : strx.length - 2 ;while ( strx.charAt ( chop - 1 ) ! = ' ' && strx.indexOf ( ' ' , chop ) ! = -1 ) chop + + ;strx.substring strx = ( 0 , chop - 1 ) ;strx + return ' ... ' ;}
createSummaryAndThumb function ( pid ) {var div = document.getElementById ( pid ) ;imgtag var = " " ;var img = div.getElementsByTagName ( " img " ) ;var summ = summary_noimg ;if ( img.length > = 1 ) {imgtag = ' <span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"> < img src = " ' + img [ 0 ] . src + ' " width = " ' + img_thumb_width + ' px ' height = " ' + img_thumb_height + " px " / > < / span > ' ;summ = summary_img ;}
var summary = imgtag + ' <div> ' + removeHtmlTag ( div.innerHTML , summ ) + ' < / div > ' ;div.innerHTML = summary ;}/ / ] ] >< / script >
5 . Next look for the code <data:post.body/>
6 . Replace the code number 5 with the following code :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><div expr:id='"summary" +'> <data:post.body/> < / div ><script type='text/javascript'> createSummaryAndThumb ( " summary <> " ) ; < / script ><span class='rmlink' style='float:left'> <a expr:href='data:post.url'> READ MORE - <data:post.title/> < / a> < / span >< / b : if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <data:post.body/> < / b : if>
7 . Save the template and view the results .
A few tips from me . Oh yeah , if you want to blog more SEO Friendly , you can also create a horizontal dropdown menu on your blog . :-)
Copyright | Free SEO , Free BloggersRead the related articles below :
This time I will discuss how to create an auto readmore in blog . Why should auto ? Because by making auto then every post we will direadmore article on the homepage . So we do not have to painstakingly make readmore one -on-one in each article , and you know my friend that this is one way to create a template blog into SEO Friendly . Okay here are the steps to make auto readmore on our blog :
1 . Sign in to dash your blog .
2 . Click the Template >> Edit HTML .
3 . Find the code < / head>
4 . Enter the following script code just above the last 3 numbers
<script type='text/javascript'>thumbnail_mode var = " float " ;summary_noimg = 250 ;summary_img = 250 ;img_thumb_height = 120 ;img_thumb_width = 120 ;< / script >
<script type='text/javascript'>/ / < ! [ CDATA [/ ******************************************Auto - readmore link script , version 2.0 ( for blogspot )
( C ) 2008 by Anhvo visit to get more cool hacks******************************************** /removeHtmlTag function ( strx , chop ) {if ( strx.indexOf ( " < " ) ! = -1 ){var s = strx.split ( " < " ) ;for ( var i = 0 ; i < s.length ; i + + ) {if ( s [ i ] . indexOf ( " > " ) ! = -1 ) {s [ i ] = s [ i ] . substring ( s [ i ] . indexOf ( " > " ) +1 , s [ i ] . length ) ;}}strx = s.join ( " " ) ;}= chop ( chop < strx.length - 1 ) ? chop : strx.length - 2 ;while ( strx.charAt ( chop - 1 ) ! = ' ' && strx.indexOf ( ' ' , chop ) ! = -1 ) chop + + ;strx.substring strx = ( 0 , chop - 1 ) ;strx + return ' ... ' ;}
createSummaryAndThumb function ( pid ) {var div = document.getElementById ( pid ) ;imgtag var = " " ;var img = div.getElementsByTagName ( " img " ) ;var summ = summary_noimg ;if ( img.length > = 1 ) {imgtag = ' <span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"> < img src = " ' + img [ 0 ] . src + ' " width = " ' + img_thumb_width + ' px ' height = " ' + img_thumb_height + " px " / > < / span > ' ;summ = summary_img ;}
var summary = imgtag + ' <div> ' + removeHtmlTag ( div.innerHTML , summ ) + ' < / div > ' ;div.innerHTML = summary ;}/ / ] ] >< / script >
5 . Next look for the code <data:post.body/>
6 . Replace the code number 5 with the following code :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><div expr:id='"summary" +'> <data:post.body/> < / div ><script type='text/javascript'> createSummaryAndThumb ( " summary <> " ) ; < / script ><span class='rmlink' style='float:left'> <a expr:href='data:post.url'> READ MORE - <data:post.title/> < / a> < / span >< / b : if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <data:post.body/> < / b : if>
7 . Save the template and view the results .
A few tips from me . Oh yeah , if you want to blog more SEO Friendly , you can also create a horizontal dropdown menu on your blog . :-)
Copyright | Free SEO , Free BloggersRead the related articles below :