How to instal Facebook Like Box in Blog

How to install facebook fan page like box in blog or how to create a facebook fan page . A few days ago I published a post sempet good with the title : how to create Tab View in the blog . Please read if interested . So this time Seowaps will continue posting titled how to create a facebook like box on the blog .Like This Facebook

Facebook fan page is urgently needed , especially to increase traffic because the fan page can we setting for every post last we can go as a status . But to improve the traffic also required a lot of fans . Well , one way to add like box fans are put up on our blog , so it will be easier for visitors to like our page . But , what I want to share this time is like a box of the latest and cool . Substantially different from the others . Please try yourself . Here I will share , for those of you who have blogs want to take this post do not forget to love the source of the link huh ? let us support each other . Direct way would make me share soon , tongkrongin and see . So, how to install a facebook like box on our blog ? Please follow the steps below :
1 . Login Blogger .
2 . Click Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Select HTML / Java Script .
3 . Enter the code below :

<center> < iframe style = "height : 250px ; width: 85 % ; " scrolling = " no" frameborder="0"href=""src="" > < / iframe > < / center> <center> < iframe src = " =" scrolling = "no " frameborder = " 0 " style = "border : none ; overflow: hidden ; width: 250px ; height: 40px ; " allowtransparency = "true " > < / iframe > < / center>
Description : For the red please replace with your facebook fan page url , and the blue is for the ID of your fan page , how to retrieve the ID fan page entry in the settings of your fan page and see the url at the back there will be a number id , that ID your fan page . as an example :
4 . Save .
Then after that look at the results , hopefully about how to create a facebook like box on this blog , happy blogging.

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