Understanding headline news headline news is the latest news in the update fit the post or article on a website that can make it easier for readers who want to read the latest news element .
here's how to make headline news in detail :
1 . Log in to your Blogger account mate .
2 . Click the Template >> Edit HTML >> Continue ( do not forget to check the Expand Widget Templates ) .3 . Find the code ] ] > < / b : skin> (use CTRL + F or F3 to facilitate the search for the code ) .
/ * Headline News------------------- * /. newspic {background : # 000 url ( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhB_M1BsnkTAMZ19UkgHSE3f32fnUmTFDFybGlOy4j5uI-biiRvmskcE64RILEXIv2FHWCwKnTVka6ZqLkpgicxnm_DyutOJ451XmvjeOJWmeVGeTv87M2RJ0Pvi48mGTfgDOr_9YaNEFY/s1600/news.gif ) no-repeat top left ; width: 970px ; margin : 0 auto ; padding : 0 auto ; height: 32px ; color: # fff ; }. news {width : 970px ; margin : 0 auto ; padding : 0 auto ; line-height : 1.4em ; text-align : left ; font-family : Arial ; font-size : 11px ; color: # fff ; overflow: hidden ; clear: both ; }. news a: link , . news a: visited {color : # fff ; text-decoration : none ; }. news a: hover {color : # ddd ; text-decoration : underline ; }
Description :> The color red is the length of headline news .> The color blue is a high measure of headline news .
4 . Next find the code < / head>5 . Then copy and paste the following code just above the </ head >
< script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=ABQIAAAAUMsU2d40bO1-m8DeADFRexTdcQS31_Y0TkToW9tE1XWPEnv6YBSa1QfZaAr4GJ8-AZkWddpnW9Y0hA'></script><script type='text/javascript'>/ / < ! [ CDATA [gfeedfetcher_loading_image var = " indicator.gif " ; google.load ( " feeds " , " 1 " ) ; function gfeedfetcher(c,a,b){this.linktarget=b||"";this.feedlabels=[];this.feedurls=[];this.feeds=[];this.feedsfetched=0;this.feedlimit=5;this.showoptions="";this.sortstring="date";document.write('<div id = " ' + c + ' " class="'+a+'"></div>');this.feedcontainer=document.getElementById(c);this.itemcontainer="<li>"}gfeedfetcher.prototype.addFeed=function(b,a){this.feedlabels[this.feedlabels.length]=b;this.feedurls[this.feedurls.length]=a};gfeedfetcher.prototype.filterfeed=function(b,a){this.feedlimit=b;if(typeof a!="undefined"){this.sortstring=a}};gfeedfetcher.prototype.displayoptions=function(a){this.showoptions=a};gfeedfetcher.prototype.setentrycontainer=function(a){this.itemcontainer="<"+a.toLowerCase()+">"};gfeedfetcher.prototype.init=function(){this.feedsfetched=0;this.feeds=[];this.feedcontainer.innerHTML='<img src = " ' + gfeedfetcher_loading_image + ' " / > news Loading ... ' ; var a = this ; for ( var b = 0 , b < this.feedurls.length , b + + ) { var c = new google.feeds.Feed ( this.feedurls [ b ] ) ; var d=(this.feedlimit<=this.feedurls.length)?1:Math.floor(this.feedlimit/this.feedurls.length);if(this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length>0&&this.feedlimit>this.feedurls.length&&b==this.feedurls.length-1){d+=(this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length)}c.setNumEntries(d);c.load(function(e){return function(f){a._fetch_data_as_array(f,e)}}(this.feedlabels[b]))}};gfeedfetcher._formatdate=function(a,c){var d = new Date ( a) ; var b=(c.indexOf("datetime")!=-1)?d.toLocaleString():(c.indexOf("date")!=-1)?d.toLocaleDateString():(c.indexOf("time")!=-1)?d.toLocaleTimeString():"";return"<span class = ' DateField ' > " + b + " < / span > " } ; gfeedfetcher._sortarray = function ( a, b ) { var b = ( b == " label " ) ? " ddlabel " : b if ( b = = "title " | | b == " ddlabel " ) { a.sort (function ( e , d ) { var g = e [ b ] . toLowerCase ( ) ; var f = d [ b ] . toLowerCase ( ) ; returns ( g <f)?-1:(g> f ) ? 1:0 } ) } else { try { a.sort (function ( e , d ) {return new Date ( d.publishedDate ) - new Date ( e. publishedDate ) } ) } catch ( c ) { } } } ; gfeedfetcher.prototype._fetch_data_as_array = function ( b , a) { var d = ( ! b.error ) ? b.feed.entries : " " if ( d = = " " ) { alert ( " Google Feed API Error : " + b.error.message ) } for ( var c=0;c<d.length;c++){b.feed.entries[c].ddlabel=a}this.feeds=this.feeds.concat(d);this._signaldownloadcomplete()};gfeedfetcher.prototype._signaldownloadcomplete=function(){this.feedsfetched+=1;if(this.feedsfetched==this.feedurls.length){this._displayresult(this.feeds)}};gfeedfetcher.prototype._displayresult=function(a){var e = ( this.itemcontainer == " <li> " ) ? " <ul> \ n " : " " ; gfeedfetcher._sortarray ( a, this.sortstring ), for ( var c = 0 , c < a.length ; c + + ) { var d = ' <a href="'+a[c].link+'" target="'+this.linktarget+'" class="titlefield"> ' + a [ c ] . title + " < / a > " ; var b = / label / i.test ( this.showoptions ) ? ' <span class="labelfield"> [ ' + this.feeds [ c ] . ddlabel + " ] < / span > " : " " ; var g = gfeedfetcher._formatdate (a [ c ] . publishedDate , this.showoptions ) ; var f = / description / i.test ( this.showoptions ) ? " <br /> " + a [ c ] . content :/ snippets / i.test ( this.showoptions ) ? " <br /> " + a [ c ] . contentSnippet : " " ; this.itemcontainer + e + = d + " " + b + " "+g+"\n"+f+this.itemcontainer.replace("<","</")+"\n\n"}e+=(this.itemcontainer=="<li>")?"</ul>":"";this.feedcontainer.innerHTML=e};
gfeedfetcher_loading_image var = " indicator.gif " ; function gfeedrssticker(d,b,a,c){this.tickerid=d;this.delay=parseInt(a);this.mouseoverBol=0;this.itemsperpage=1;this.messagepointer=0;gfeedfetcher.call(this,d,b,c);this.itemcontainer="<div>";this.tickerdiv=document.getElementById(d)}gfeedrssticker.prototype=new gfeedfetcher;gfeedrssticker.prototype.constructor=gfeedrssticker;gfeedrssticker.prototype._displayresult=null;gfeedrssticker.prototype.entries_per_page=function(a){this.itemsperpage=a};gfeedrssticker.prototype._signaldownloadcomplete=function(){this.feedsfetched+=1;if(this.feedsfetched==this.feedurls.length){this._initscroller(this.feeds)}};gfeedrssticker.prototype._initscroller=function(a){var c=this;gfeedfetcher._sortarray(a,this.sortstring);this.itemsperpage=(this.itemsperpage>=a.length)?1:this.itemsperpage;var b=a.slice(this.messagepointer,this.itemsperpage);this.tickerdiv.innerHTML=formatrssmessage(b,this.showoptions,this.itemcontainer,this.linktarget);this.tickerdiv.onmouseover=function(){c.mouseoverBol=1};this.tickerdiv.onmouseout=function(){c.mouseoverBol=0};this.messagepointer=this.itemsperpage;if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){c.tickerdiv.onmouseover=c.tickerdiv.onmouseout=null})}setTimeout(function(){c._rotatemessage()},this.delay)};function formatrssmessage ( d , b , f , g ) { var c = ( f == " <li> " ) ? " <ul> \ n " : " " ; for ( var e = 0 , e < d.length , e + + ) { var h = ' <a href="'+d[e].link+'" target="'+g+'" class="titlefield"> ' + d [ e ] . title + " < / a> " ; var j = / label / i.test ( b ) ? ' <span class="labelfield"> [ ' + d [ e ] . ddlabel + " ] < / span > " : " " ; var k = gfeedfetcher._formatdate ( d [ e ] . publishedDate , b ) ; var a = / description / i.test ( b ) ? " <br /> " + d [ e ] . snippets of content :/ / i.test ( b ) ? " < br / > " + d [ e ] . contentSnippet : " " , c + = f + h + " " + j + " " + k + " \ n " + a + f.replace ( " < " , " < / " ) + " \ n \ n " } c + = ( f == " <li> " ) ? " < / ul > \ n " : " " ; } return c gfeedrssticker.prototype._rotatemessage = function ( ) { var b = this if ( this . mouseoverBol == 1 ) { setTimeout (function ( ) { b._rotatemessage ( ) } , 100 ) } else { var a=this.feeds.slice(this.messagepointer,this.messagepointer+this.itemsperpage);this.tickerdiv.innerHTML=formatrssmessage(a,this.showoptions,this.itemcontainer,this.linktarget);this.messagepointer=(this.messagepointer+this.itemsperpage>this.feeds.length-1)?0:this.messagepointer+this.itemsperpage;setTimeout(function(){b._rotatemessage()},this.delay)}};/ / ] ] >< / script ><style type='text/css'>. titlefield { / * CSS for RSS title link in general * /text-decoration : none ; }. labelfield { / * CSS for label field in general * /color: # aaa ; font-size : 100 % ; }. DateField { / * CSS for date field in general * /color: # aaa ; font : normal 14px Arial ; text-transform : none ; }# example1 { / * Demo 1 main container * /width: 780px ;height: 14px ;border: 0px solid # aaa ;padding : 0px ;font : bold 16px Arial ;text-transform : none ;text-align : left ;background-color : transparent ; }code { / * CSS for insructions * /color: # fff ; }# example1 a: link , # example1 a: visited {color : # f2f2f2 ; text-decoration : none ; }# example1 a: hover {color : # C8D3F2 ; text-decoration : none ; }< / style>
6 . Last search <div id='header-wrapper'> or <div id='header-outer'> ( choose one only )7 . Then place the following code just below the code number 7 was
<div class='newspic'><div style='float:left;width:780px;padding:6px 0 6px 180px; position:relative; overflow:hidden;'><script type='text/javascript'>var cssfeed = new gfeedrssticker ( " example1 " , " example1class " , 4000 , " _new " )cssfeed.addFeed ( " Creating a Website " , " http://www.seowaps.com/feeds/posts/default " ) / / Specify " label " plus URL to RSS feedcssfeed.displayoptions ( " date " ) / / show the specified additional fieldscssfeed.setentrycontainer ( " div " ) / / Wrap each entry with a DIV tagcssfeed.filterfeed ( 10 , " date " ) / / Show 10 entries , sort by datecssfeed.entries_per_page ( 1 )cssfeed.init ( )< / script >< / div ><div style='clear:both;'/>< / div >
8 . Save the template and view the results .
Well , easy is not it? :)So postings about how to easily make headline news in the blog - Installing headlines News blog . Hopefully useful for all .
here's how to make headline news in detail :
1 . Log in to your Blogger account mate .
2 . Click the Template >> Edit HTML >> Continue ( do not forget to check the Expand Widget Templates ) .3 . Find the code ] ] > < / b : skin> (use CTRL + F or F3 to facilitate the search for the code ) .
/ * Headline News------------------- * /. newspic {background : # 000 url ( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhB_M1BsnkTAMZ19UkgHSE3f32fnUmTFDFybGlOy4j5uI-biiRvmskcE64RILEXIv2FHWCwKnTVka6ZqLkpgicxnm_DyutOJ451XmvjeOJWmeVGeTv87M2RJ0Pvi48mGTfgDOr_9YaNEFY/s1600/news.gif ) no-repeat top left ; width: 970px ; margin : 0 auto ; padding : 0 auto ; height: 32px ; color: # fff ; }. news {width : 970px ; margin : 0 auto ; padding : 0 auto ; line-height : 1.4em ; text-align : left ; font-family : Arial ; font-size : 11px ; color: # fff ; overflow: hidden ; clear: both ; }. news a: link , . news a: visited {color : # fff ; text-decoration : none ; }. news a: hover {color : # ddd ; text-decoration : underline ; }
Description :> The color red is the length of headline news .> The color blue is a high measure of headline news .
4 . Next find the code < / head>5 . Then copy and paste the following code just above the </ head >
< script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=ABQIAAAAUMsU2d40bO1-m8DeADFRexTdcQS31_Y0TkToW9tE1XWPEnv6YBSa1QfZaAr4GJ8-AZkWddpnW9Y0hA'></script><script type='text/javascript'>/ / < ! [ CDATA [gfeedfetcher_loading_image var = " indicator.gif " ; google.load ( " feeds " , " 1 " ) ; function gfeedfetcher(c,a,b){this.linktarget=b||"";this.feedlabels=[];this.feedurls=[];this.feeds=[];this.feedsfetched=0;this.feedlimit=5;this.showoptions="";this.sortstring="date";document.write('<div id = " ' + c + ' " class="'+a+'"></div>');this.feedcontainer=document.getElementById(c);this.itemcontainer="<li>"}gfeedfetcher.prototype.addFeed=function(b,a){this.feedlabels[this.feedlabels.length]=b;this.feedurls[this.feedurls.length]=a};gfeedfetcher.prototype.filterfeed=function(b,a){this.feedlimit=b;if(typeof a!="undefined"){this.sortstring=a}};gfeedfetcher.prototype.displayoptions=function(a){this.showoptions=a};gfeedfetcher.prototype.setentrycontainer=function(a){this.itemcontainer="<"+a.toLowerCase()+">"};gfeedfetcher.prototype.init=function(){this.feedsfetched=0;this.feeds=[];this.feedcontainer.innerHTML='<img src = " ' + gfeedfetcher_loading_image + ' " / > news Loading ... ' ; var a = this ; for ( var b = 0 , b < this.feedurls.length , b + + ) { var c = new google.feeds.Feed ( this.feedurls [ b ] ) ; var d=(this.feedlimit<=this.feedurls.length)?1:Math.floor(this.feedlimit/this.feedurls.length);if(this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length>0&&this.feedlimit>this.feedurls.length&&b==this.feedurls.length-1){d+=(this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length)}c.setNumEntries(d);c.load(function(e){return function(f){a._fetch_data_as_array(f,e)}}(this.feedlabels[b]))}};gfeedfetcher._formatdate=function(a,c){var d = new Date ( a) ; var b=(c.indexOf("datetime")!=-1)?d.toLocaleString():(c.indexOf("date")!=-1)?d.toLocaleDateString():(c.indexOf("time")!=-1)?d.toLocaleTimeString():"";return"<span class = ' DateField ' > " + b + " < / span > " } ; gfeedfetcher._sortarray = function ( a, b ) { var b = ( b == " label " ) ? " ddlabel " : b if ( b = = "title " | | b == " ddlabel " ) { a.sort (function ( e , d ) { var g = e [ b ] . toLowerCase ( ) ; var f = d [ b ] . toLowerCase ( ) ; returns ( g <f)?-1:(g> f ) ? 1:0 } ) } else { try { a.sort (function ( e , d ) {return new Date ( d.publishedDate ) - new Date ( e. publishedDate ) } ) } catch ( c ) { } } } ; gfeedfetcher.prototype._fetch_data_as_array = function ( b , a) { var d = ( ! b.error ) ? b.feed.entries : " " if ( d = = " " ) { alert ( " Google Feed API Error : " + b.error.message ) } for ( var c=0;c<d.length;c++){b.feed.entries[c].ddlabel=a}this.feeds=this.feeds.concat(d);this._signaldownloadcomplete()};gfeedfetcher.prototype._signaldownloadcomplete=function(){this.feedsfetched+=1;if(this.feedsfetched==this.feedurls.length){this._displayresult(this.feeds)}};gfeedfetcher.prototype._displayresult=function(a){var e = ( this.itemcontainer == " <li> " ) ? " <ul> \ n " : " " ; gfeedfetcher._sortarray ( a, this.sortstring ), for ( var c = 0 , c < a.length ; c + + ) { var d = ' <a href="'+a[c].link+'" target="'+this.linktarget+'" class="titlefield"> ' + a [ c ] . title + " < / a > " ; var b = / label / i.test ( this.showoptions ) ? ' <span class="labelfield"> [ ' + this.feeds [ c ] . ddlabel + " ] < / span > " : " " ; var g = gfeedfetcher._formatdate (a [ c ] . publishedDate , this.showoptions ) ; var f = / description / i.test ( this.showoptions ) ? " <br /> " + a [ c ] . content :/ snippets / i.test ( this.showoptions ) ? " <br /> " + a [ c ] . contentSnippet : " " ; this.itemcontainer + e + = d + " " + b + " "+g+"\n"+f+this.itemcontainer.replace("<","</")+"\n\n"}e+=(this.itemcontainer=="<li>")?"</ul>":"";this.feedcontainer.innerHTML=e};
gfeedfetcher_loading_image var = " indicator.gif " ; function gfeedrssticker(d,b,a,c){this.tickerid=d;this.delay=parseInt(a);this.mouseoverBol=0;this.itemsperpage=1;this.messagepointer=0;gfeedfetcher.call(this,d,b,c);this.itemcontainer="<div>";this.tickerdiv=document.getElementById(d)}gfeedrssticker.prototype=new gfeedfetcher;gfeedrssticker.prototype.constructor=gfeedrssticker;gfeedrssticker.prototype._displayresult=null;gfeedrssticker.prototype.entries_per_page=function(a){this.itemsperpage=a};gfeedrssticker.prototype._signaldownloadcomplete=function(){this.feedsfetched+=1;if(this.feedsfetched==this.feedurls.length){this._initscroller(this.feeds)}};gfeedrssticker.prototype._initscroller=function(a){var c=this;gfeedfetcher._sortarray(a,this.sortstring);this.itemsperpage=(this.itemsperpage>=a.length)?1:this.itemsperpage;var b=a.slice(this.messagepointer,this.itemsperpage);this.tickerdiv.innerHTML=formatrssmessage(b,this.showoptions,this.itemcontainer,this.linktarget);this.tickerdiv.onmouseover=function(){c.mouseoverBol=1};this.tickerdiv.onmouseout=function(){c.mouseoverBol=0};this.messagepointer=this.itemsperpage;if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){c.tickerdiv.onmouseover=c.tickerdiv.onmouseout=null})}setTimeout(function(){c._rotatemessage()},this.delay)};function formatrssmessage ( d , b , f , g ) { var c = ( f == " <li> " ) ? " <ul> \ n " : " " ; for ( var e = 0 , e < d.length , e + + ) { var h = ' <a href="'+d[e].link+'" target="'+g+'" class="titlefield"> ' + d [ e ] . title + " < / a> " ; var j = / label / i.test ( b ) ? ' <span class="labelfield"> [ ' + d [ e ] . ddlabel + " ] < / span > " : " " ; var k = gfeedfetcher._formatdate ( d [ e ] . publishedDate , b ) ; var a = / description / i.test ( b ) ? " <br /> " + d [ e ] . snippets of content :/ / i.test ( b ) ? " < br / > " + d [ e ] . contentSnippet : " " , c + = f + h + " " + j + " " + k + " \ n " + a + f.replace ( " < " , " < / " ) + " \ n \ n " } c + = ( f == " <li> " ) ? " < / ul > \ n " : " " ; } return c gfeedrssticker.prototype._rotatemessage = function ( ) { var b = this if ( this . mouseoverBol == 1 ) { setTimeout (function ( ) { b._rotatemessage ( ) } , 100 ) } else { var a=this.feeds.slice(this.messagepointer,this.messagepointer+this.itemsperpage);this.tickerdiv.innerHTML=formatrssmessage(a,this.showoptions,this.itemcontainer,this.linktarget);this.messagepointer=(this.messagepointer+this.itemsperpage>this.feeds.length-1)?0:this.messagepointer+this.itemsperpage;setTimeout(function(){b._rotatemessage()},this.delay)}};/ / ] ] >< / script ><style type='text/css'>. titlefield { / * CSS for RSS title link in general * /text-decoration : none ; }. labelfield { / * CSS for label field in general * /color: # aaa ; font-size : 100 % ; }. DateField { / * CSS for date field in general * /color: # aaa ; font : normal 14px Arial ; text-transform : none ; }# example1 { / * Demo 1 main container * /width: 780px ;height: 14px ;border: 0px solid # aaa ;padding : 0px ;font : bold 16px Arial ;text-transform : none ;text-align : left ;background-color : transparent ; }code { / * CSS for insructions * /color: # fff ; }# example1 a: link , # example1 a: visited {color : # f2f2f2 ; text-decoration : none ; }# example1 a: hover {color : # C8D3F2 ; text-decoration : none ; }< / style>
6 . Last search <div id='header-wrapper'> or <div id='header-outer'> ( choose one only )7 . Then place the following code just below the code number 7 was
<div class='newspic'><div style='float:left;width:780px;padding:6px 0 6px 180px; position:relative; overflow:hidden;'><script type='text/javascript'>var cssfeed = new gfeedrssticker ( " example1 " , " example1class " , 4000 , " _new " )cssfeed.addFeed ( " Creating a Website " , " http://www.seowaps.com/feeds/posts/default " ) / / Specify " label " plus URL to RSS feedcssfeed.displayoptions ( " date " ) / / show the specified additional fieldscssfeed.setentrycontainer ( " div " ) / / Wrap each entry with a DIV tagcssfeed.filterfeed ( 10 , " date " ) / / Show 10 entries , sort by datecssfeed.entries_per_page ( 1 )cssfeed.init ( )< / script >< / div ><div style='clear:both;'/>< / div >
8 . Save the template and view the results .
Well , easy is not it? :)So postings about how to easily make headline news in the blog - Installing headlines News blog . Hopefully useful for all .