Many bloggers start a blog with a variety of purposes , ranging from hobby to commercial purpose of making money from blogs . Blogger blog crammed with as much content as possible, with the aim of improving ranking in SERP ( Search Engine Result Pages ) on Google . However, it is not uncommon after months or even years menyesakin blog with content , not its SERP rankings rise at all , even worsened . Menapa so ? Simple : Because bloggers do not start a blog properly .

Starting a blog correctly is fundamental to a blogger . Starting a blog correctly like the foundation to continue blogging . SEO on page optimization , off page SEO optimization , writing quality articles , baclink , beautify the blog , to make money from blogs will be more easily achieved if we start to blog properly .
In contrast to beautify the blog can be done in a short time . Starting a blog correctly is not simple .
1 . Choosing the Essential Blog Themes
Choosing a blog theme that dominated a very fundamental for a blogger . How can we write an article we do not know what that means . The result would have been just a plagiarized article , or inferior superficial discussion . Unlike when the theme of the blog we write is what we speak, the article will be very weighty and originality awake . By choosing the theme of the blog is controlled , making visitors feel satisfied being informed of our blog because deep discussion and distinctive style .
You can imagine when a visitor opens our blog and article menemuka niceties that are not qualified . Definitely will immediately close it , and it is dangerous . Because search engines are recommending our blog from its search results ( SERP ) will see it as an indicator of the poor quality of the content of the blog . And the result , we do not expect the blog will be crowded because search engines like Google have hated our blog . That is the importance of choosing the theme of the blog is controlled .
A common mistake : Blogger beginner about to start a new blog with topics that she felt the most lucrative and expensive ( the motivation to make money ) when he has not mastered the topic , not well mastered SEO and other things necessary . Then become a blog halamman let go in the first 10 , not indexed .
2 . Select Domain Free or Paid ?
To start a blog correctly , it helps us to think to choose a free or paid domain . If we are not confident in the ability of our SEO optimization , I recommend to buy a paid domain . For information , paid domain name like mine is only Rp 63000.00 / year of IDwebhost . Why ? Karenabanyak cases paid domain proved easier to master than the keyword domain like blog free . And again , it will usually be difficult to shift the blogspot domain that is already on the first page of Google with another blogspot domain later with the same theme without the ability to prime SEO Optimization .
So , before starting a blog start by choosing the right domain for free or paid , before we already build traffic in a particular domain . Due to changing traffic domain means starting from zero !
3 . Doing Keyword Research
After selecting a theme and domains , to start blogging properly we have to do keyword research . What are the do keyword research ?
Key words what many people search related to the theme of our blog ?
What keywords have big profit ? ( Relating to adsense )
How competition for these keywords ?
Recommended , researched keywords are keywords with 5 or more words , eg : " How to Start a Blog with Right " . Because it would reduce competition in the search engines , which are usually dominated by websites that are old and have an established reputation .
4 . Domain Name That Style Or Helpful ?
If we want to buy a domain or make it , you should consider meemilih accuracy of searches on search engines or trademark name . Example : if we want to create a domain for our website about the shoes with the brand " Marginal " , it would be better to buy a domain than . Because if we are not well-known brands ( because we are just starting out ) , the word " shoes " will allow visitors to find our blog in the search engines .
Well , now we are ready to start a blog because the blog already know how to get started properly . May be useful .

Starting a blog correctly is fundamental to a blogger . Starting a blog correctly like the foundation to continue blogging . SEO on page optimization , off page SEO optimization , writing quality articles , baclink , beautify the blog , to make money from blogs will be more easily achieved if we start to blog properly .
In contrast to beautify the blog can be done in a short time . Starting a blog correctly is not simple .
1 . Choosing the Essential Blog Themes
Choosing a blog theme that dominated a very fundamental for a blogger . How can we write an article we do not know what that means . The result would have been just a plagiarized article , or inferior superficial discussion . Unlike when the theme of the blog we write is what we speak, the article will be very weighty and originality awake . By choosing the theme of the blog is controlled , making visitors feel satisfied being informed of our blog because deep discussion and distinctive style .
You can imagine when a visitor opens our blog and article menemuka niceties that are not qualified . Definitely will immediately close it , and it is dangerous . Because search engines are recommending our blog from its search results ( SERP ) will see it as an indicator of the poor quality of the content of the blog . And the result , we do not expect the blog will be crowded because search engines like Google have hated our blog . That is the importance of choosing the theme of the blog is controlled .
A common mistake : Blogger beginner about to start a new blog with topics that she felt the most lucrative and expensive ( the motivation to make money ) when he has not mastered the topic , not well mastered SEO and other things necessary . Then become a blog halamman let go in the first 10 , not indexed .
2 . Select Domain Free or Paid ?
To start a blog correctly , it helps us to think to choose a free or paid domain . If we are not confident in the ability of our SEO optimization , I recommend to buy a paid domain . For information , paid domain name like mine is only Rp 63000.00 / year of IDwebhost . Why ? Karenabanyak cases paid domain proved easier to master than the keyword domain like blog free . And again , it will usually be difficult to shift the blogspot domain that is already on the first page of Google with another blogspot domain later with the same theme without the ability to prime SEO Optimization .
So , before starting a blog start by choosing the right domain for free or paid , before we already build traffic in a particular domain . Due to changing traffic domain means starting from zero !
3 . Doing Keyword Research
After selecting a theme and domains , to start blogging properly we have to do keyword research . What are the do keyword research ?
Key words what many people search related to the theme of our blog ?
What keywords have big profit ? ( Relating to adsense )
How competition for these keywords ?
Recommended , researched keywords are keywords with 5 or more words , eg : " How to Start a Blog with Right " . Because it would reduce competition in the search engines , which are usually dominated by websites that are old and have an established reputation .
4 . Domain Name That Style Or Helpful ?
If we want to buy a domain or make it , you should consider meemilih accuracy of searches on search engines or trademark name . Example : if we want to create a domain for our website about the shoes with the brand " Marginal " , it would be better to buy a domain than . Because if we are not well-known brands ( because we are just starting out ) , the word " shoes " will allow visitors to find our blog in the search engines .
Well , now we are ready to start a blog because the blog already know how to get started properly . May be useful .